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July 28, 2024

The Fundamentals of Pilates and Why the Practice is Important for Women

Pilates is more than just a workout—it's a comprehensive approach to physical and mental wellness that offers numerous benefits, particularly for women. Let's dive into the basics of Pilates and explore why each fundamental piece of the practice is so important.

July 28, 2024

What’s a Pilates V and How Exactly Do You Say 'Arabesque'?! We’ve Got You Covered

Pilates can seem a bit daunting with its unique terminology and precise movements, but we’re here to break them down and guide you through some common Pilates movements.

July 28, 2024

The Metabolism-Boosting Power of Strength Paired with the Body-Sculpting Power of Pilates is an Elite Combination

When it comes to fitness, finding the right combination of exercises can make all the difference in achieving your goals, and Pilates and Strength Training are one example. Let's explore why this dynamic duo is such a game-changer and how it can benefit you.

July 18, 2024

Welcome to Sesh+ 1:1 Coaching! What's next?

Okay you've joined Sesh's brand new 1:1 monthly coaching feature. Now what?

June 28, 2024

The Importance of Strength Training During Weight Loss

At Sesh we understand that many people set goals to lose fat not only to improve their health outcomes but also to feel and look better. But what does fat loss truly mean, and what are people really striving to achieve?

June 10, 2024

Introducing a Revolutionary Way to Elevate Your Home Workouts: Sesh Fitness App + The COBA Board

Introducing a Revolutionary Way to Elevate Your Home Workouts: Sesh Fitness App + The COBA Board

May 19, 2024

Transform, Shred, and Sculpt in our 8-Week Metabolic Challenge!

It's time to crank up the heat on your fitness game with our 8-week Summer Challenge designed to help you get shredded while transforming your lifestyle, fast.

April 24, 2024

Is a 30 minute workout really worth it?

You don’t have hours to spend in the gym. Us, either. That’s where our new program, Fit in 30, comes in.

April 30, 2024

It's Official. We Now Have 64 Fitness Plans to Choose From 🤯

The perfect Sesh Fitness plan is waiting for you. All you need to do is discover it!

July 3, 2024

The Secret to Getting in Shape and Staying There is Not the Fitness Plan You're Following

Kinda strange that a fitness app would make such a bold claim, but after 10+ years of helping transform the lives of 400,000+ women…we’ve learned a thing or two about what helps women get in shape, and stay there for the long run.

March 24, 2024

Are you ready to bloom this spring?

Join the 2024 spring challenge!

June 8, 2023

Utilizing The Descending Rep Method

Strength training is a critical component of a well-rounded fitness routine for women. In recent years, various training methods have emerged to challenge traditional approaches. One such method is something called the descending rep method. By flipping the script on traditional training, the descending rep method offers women a new and effective way to maximize their strength gains. We will delve into the benefits and practical applications of the descending rep method in women's strength training in this post, empowering you to take your fitness journey to the next level.

October 19, 2022

What To Expect In The First Weeks Postpartum

You did it. You brought the most beautiful baby into this world and we are more than thrilled for you and your family! Now that you’re home from the hospital and have had a couple of days to adjust to your new routine, what’s next? Rehab and recovery. This postpartum phase is different for everyone, so it’s important not to compare your unique story to anyone else. You may be wondering, when will I be done healing? When can I start biking or running again? When can I get back to my exercise routine? Our first goal for postpartum exercise is to rest and recover, and this resting phase is most important.

October 6, 2022

Hiit Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

We get it – workouts can look different for everyone depending on the day. Maybe you’re able to make sweat sessions at the gym a regular thing, or maybe you’ve moved your workouts outside or into your home because your schedule allows for that better. But let’s be honest, between helping the kids with their schoolwork, taking that last Zoom call, picking up the groceries and the occasional happy hour with your friends… it can be hard to find a lot of time to get a full workout in.

September 9, 2022

Everything You Need To Know About Metabolic Training

Metabolic training is a high-intensity resistance training style. Exercises in this category are meant to increase the efficiency of your metabolism. These exercises are intense and require about 8+ reps per set. So, while metabolic training isn’t always a breeze, it is one of the most effective ways to keep the burn going!

August 30, 2022

Your Hormonal Cycle And What It Means For Training

When it comes to hormones, females are uniquely complex. Our hormones fluctuate on a monthly rhythm and many of us experience strong emotional, physical and mental changes during it. Being on your period can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster. Sometimes you’ll feel totally wiped out, then you’ll be crying at commercials on TV, and the next wanting to eat every snack in the pantry. If you’re not prepared, it can really throw you off your game! However, keeping up your fitness and nutrition routines has a ton of benefits that can help you feel more like yourself, more consistently.

April 11, 2022

What To Do After A Sesh Challenge

If you’ve been strength training and eating in a caloric deficit for the past couple of months, you may be ready to enter a maintenance phase. Or, you may be wondering what a maintenance phase is. Luckily, we’ll guide you through all of the questions you need to ask yourself and the information that you need to make your decision on if you’re joining us for next challenge or taking a healthy break and maintaining your weight.

March 30, 2022

Cardio, Cardio, & More Cardio: What’s The Perfect Cardio Machine For You?

Choose your fighter for cardio day: there are so many options to choose from for your weekly cardio sessions, but here are a few ideas if you’re looking to find something you love. Treadmill (not as boring as you may think) Elliptical Stairmaster Cycling (dust that old bike off in the garage!) Arc Trainer EMOMs Hiking Team Sports (sand volleyball is our favorite during the spring and summer)

October 7, 2021

3 Reasons Why You Should Always Be Stretching (With Examples)

After your first few workouts, you may be feeling pretty sore. That’s totally normal and a sign that your muscles are beginning to change! Stretching after your workout and on your rest days is essential to make sure you perform at your best. We’re here to help by breaking down the benefits of stretching and sharing one of our favorite post-workout stretch routines.

August 9, 2021

3 Reasons Why Warming Up Before Your Workout Matters (With Examples)

We’ve all been guilty of jumping right into our workout without getting a proper warm-up in. Maybe you’re strapped for time and want to maximize your session in the gym, but to best ensure you’re able to give it 100% it’s ideal to prep your body first. Follow this easy and efficient warm-up to make sure you get the most out of your workout and avoid injury at the same time!