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How To Set Goals And Stick To Them
December 29, 2022

How To Set Goals And Stick To Them


You’ve probably heard the saying “ A dream without a plan is just a wish,” and while wishing on shooting stars is fun, making moves towards the life you dream of is far more empowering. That’s why we’re huge proponents of entering challenges with a set goal or 2 to achieve by the end of the 8 week period in mind. Setting these goals and creating a sense of accountability truly helps you get the most out of a challenge with Sesh. So how do you set these goals and ensure that you can (and will!) achieve them? We’ve been doing this for awhile, so keep reading to learn our tips for becoming the ultimate goal-getter.


Our most successful Sesh Fam members went into their very first challenge by defining their “why”. Once you decide to join a challenge, take some time to reflect on why you’re doing this. At first, you’ll probably think it’s to achieve an ideal physique, but it’s typically much deeper than that. One of our long-time Sesh Fam members, Kristi-Lee, said that initially her goal was to be skinny, “toned,” and hit a specific number on the scale. However, after completing several challenges and working with the Sesh coaches, her mentality shifted: “Along with the help of my Coach, completing multiple challenges helped me realize that it was deeper than being skinny. I broke through mental barriers and learned that NSVs (non-scale victories) were just as important! I was no longer focused on simply hitting that certain number on the scale that I was initially set on achieving. I really found my ‘why’ during these challenges.”

By finding her why from the start of her journey, Kristi-Lee lost 25lbs and has completed over 6 challenges!


Once you define your “why,” it’s time to get to the fun part: making a game plan! Let’s say your ultimate goal is to lose 20lbs, and that’s one of the main reasons why you started a challenge with Sesh. While you potentially could meet this goal within 8 weeks, it’s more likely that you’ll lose 1-2lbs per week during the challenge. With this in mind, you’ll want to set a goal that is attainable and controllable. Setting attainable goals makes you more likely to stick with it and will ultimately lead you to achieve your main goal.

To make major moves towards your goal of losing 20lbs, we recommend making 3 smaller goals such as:

  1. Lose 8 to 10lbs during a challenge.
  2. Track macros every single day, even if you don't meet them perfectly! Tracking for 8 weeks is going to help you learn the foundations of nutrition and make you a pro at planning your meals so you can consistently hit your macros.
  3. Check in and take progress photos every week no matter what. This means you're going to check in even if you didn't meet your macros perfectly and didn't get in every workout.

All 3 of these smaller goals are completely doable and in your control. Now that you’ve done the groundwork for setting your goals, it’s time to get after them! We have 3 tips that will help you see your goals through so be sure to apply them and watch the magic happen.


Studies show that literally writing down your goals makes you more likely to achieve them. Additionally, making your goals visible in your day-to-day life will help you stay disciplined. We like to create a phone screen wallpaper with our goals listed on it so we’re constantly reminded of what’s on the horizon for us, because let’s face it, we look at our phones quite a lot! This can be as simple as just listing them in your notes app and taking a screenshot! We’re also big fans of putting up post-it notes with our goals written on them in places you’ll see them regularly like your mirror, car dashboard, and refrigerator door!


Once you set your 2-3 smaller goals, break it down even further into the steps you need to take to achieve them! For example, if one of your goals is to check in and take progress photos each week no matter what, schedule your time to check in and take progress pictures on your calendar like you would a meeting. Taking those baby steps to see each goal through will help you stay on track for the long haul!


Achieving any goal is much easier (and way more fun) with a solid support system in place. If you’re new to macro counting, strength training, or are feeling a little overwhelmed about your fitness journey, you’ve got a whole Sesh Fam who has your back! If you haven’t already, utilize the private community Facebook group to connect with your fellow challengers. You have everything you need and more to watch your goals come to life, so let’s get going!