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What To Do After A Sesh Challenge
April 11, 2022

What To Do After A Sesh Challenge

If you’ve been strength training and eating in a caloric deficit for the past couple of months, you may be ready to enter a maintenance phase. Or, you may be wondering what a maintenance phase is. Luckily, we’ll guide you through all of the questions you need to ask yourself and the information that you need to make your decision on if you’re joining us for next challenge or taking a healthy break and maintaining your weight.

What’s the Point?

A maintenance phase really just means maintaining your current weight and fitness level. For most women, when you ask them how long they’ve been working at their fitness goals, you’ll get an answer between “forever” and “years.”

While consistency is key, there’s a huge difference between consistency and fitness fatigue.

There are physical benefits to entering a maintenance phase, but the first benefit that we want to stress is completely mental. It’s important to take breaks from having strict expectations for yourself. It can be exhausting and defeating in some cases.

In the long run, scheduled maintenance phases are important to keep the ball rolling with you and your fitness journey.

One of the key benefits is due to not being in a caloric deficit, and that is having more energy than you’re used to. Calories are fuel, and while you don’t want to go overboard, during a maintenance phase you’re able to have some flexibility with your diet.

You may even just want to increase your macros, but still adhere to a set number. Whatever your choice is, you’re bound to feel like you have a little more zap. Mostly, the next time you’re ready for an intense workout routine and to eat on a caloric deficit, you’ll feel recharged.

What About All of the Progress I’ve Made?

Remember that a maintenance phase means exactly what it sounds like - maintaining your current health and fitness levels. You may see the scale go up by a few pounds, which is expected. However, rely heavily on NSVs and remember what the scale isn’t telling you. An increase in weight does not equal an increase in body fat. Do not decrease your food intake, monitor yourself as you would normally and see how you feel in a few days. A few pounds is not a 9-1-1 emergency, we promise!

Maintenance phases are important to continue to develop a healthy metabolism. If you’re constantly in a caloric deficit, your body never has time to recover. Because of this, maintenance phases are often linked to a larger amount of fat loss in the long term.

If you’re still unsure, check out this TikTok Coach Allison made on signs you’re ready for a maintenance phase.